Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heat Wave! (9/23/10)

One of the reasons I came to Jerusalem (as opposed to Tel Aviv) in the fall (as opposed to the spring) was because Jerusalem is supposed to be a not-so-hot city.

Thank you global warming for messing up my plans!

This. City. Is. HOT!

Last night it was very hard to sleep comfortably, with no a/c in the apartment and no fan. Well, there was a fan in my room, but I tried using it one of the first nights I was here, and failed miserably. Even when it was unplugged, it was still making all sorts of weird noises. So I put it in the common room. I didn't want it making scary noises in the middle of the night and freaking me out! When Suri moved in a few days ago, she must have realized how hot it was in the apartment, took the fan in her room, and then realized that the fan didn't work either. I considered investing in a fan when I first got here because of the heat and humidity. It's just uncomfortable. Then I told myself, "Self, don't get a fan, it'll cool down very soon and be chilly during the winter." Well its still really hot! When's this heat wave going to end? Yonit says in a few days, and by Wednesday next week it should be cooled off. I hope she's right. Me + summer weather = not a good match. I just feel icky all the time. But just like on 4n4 every summer, the motto is, "If everybody smells, no one smells!" and everyone else has been suffering in the heat just the same; no sense in complaining for my own sake.

Our first required group event today was a kiddush in the sukkah at Beit Ar-El (the Young Judaea complex) at 11:30am. There was a Bar Mitzvah taking place today in the complex; there must have been 200 people there. Smells of spices and food filled the air; people filled the sukkot that were set up - ours from last night and even another one that we are supposed to be in but they were there instead! We waited outside in the shade until they cleared out of the one assigned to our group, made kiddush (the blessing over the wine/grape juice) and had some snacks and cake. Due to the hot temperatures and sticky humidity, we all moved inside to one of the classroom buildings. AIR CONDITIONING!!! We did a short activity talking about bringing things into the sukkah to share something about who you are - some people brought books, some brought games, some brought nothing. I brought nothing on purpose but of course I had my waterbottle with me - my super duper old school Nalgene that has faded writing and a new top (because the old one melted in the dishwasher a few years ago, darn), and explained that I thought it was interesting that I forgot to bring something intentionally, but that of course I had this with me. I've had that Nalgene for at least 12 years. BPA free? I don't think so. BPA full! I'm kickin' it old school :)

When the activity was over, I came directly back to the apartment. So going back to sleep. Two hours later, I feel a little bit more refreshed, but still really hot.

Go away global warming!

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